?When the network should be out of government,s control
we are in control, Whether we like it or not, of course they are right, because people don't understand each other, they learn every things as some genius people want as, then when each children is birthed, soh will be a Soldier In the service of some geniuses, then soh will hurt or kille others, who disagree with soher,s bos.
in our world some poeple is muslim, some Christian some Jewish and so on.
what is difference bitween them why some identify some others as enemy??
this is a question that all we are know, We think we are right or we know more and others should Follow us, but we fear others in while.
govrenments as Agent of Beliefs, should control other Beliefs, using With all availble facilities and tools.
Otherwise, something as bad as a terrorist attack may occur.
If all people are equally trained and there is a reasonable and provable reason behind each traine, such as a math Equation, then there is no reason for people to confront and no reason to control and no reason to have a leader or a bos , because all people are adults.
if we want to make the world like this, we shold train every think we learn, and have enough efferts to transfer knowledge to others and make it out of governments control, after that, we can release internet and networks from the governments's control.
i want to make it....if u too, hit like